Thursday, August 17, 2017

関ケ原 (其の一)

With this blog I will be talking about Japanese movies, new and old, of any genre (just whatever I feel like talking about at any given time). Also, I will talk about the Japanese that is spoken in them. and give background information on the bits of Japanese culture / history that show up. 

Currently I am excited for a historical fiction called Sekigaara which is coming out this month. With it's setting in the Sengoku period, there is a lot to talk about. I hope if you have an interest in Japanese movies and or Japanese culture or the Japanese language you will enjoy and maybe learn something from this blog.

So, for this first post I will attempt to translate best I can, a description of the plot of the movie and in later posts talk more in depth about some things it specifically talks about. 

Sekigahara (関ケ原)
In theaters: August 26.


The battle of Sekigahara:
It brought an end to the constant warring of the time, and decided the fate of Japan’s future.
Mitsunari Ishida, with his talents recognized from an early age, becomes an assistant to Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Once older, he is scouted by a Daimyo and proceeds to use half of his earnings to hire the famed Ronin, Sakon Shima, as his servant. Sakon accepts this position stating, “it is interesting when a man goes in the opposite direction trying to chase his ambitions.” He says this as Mitsunari, still vowing loyalty to Hideyoshi, struggles with his desire to rule and change the nation through justice. Then a shinobi from Iga named Hatsune, also begins serving Mitsunari as his “dog”.
As, Hideyoshi’s physical condition starts to diminish, Ieyasu Tokugawa harbors his own ambitions to rule the nation, and skillfully uses his words in order to take into his own army Hideyaki Kobayakawa (Masahiro Higashide) and other soldiers who had fallen into disgrace with Hideyoshi. This does not sit well with Mitsunari.
In August 1598, Hideyoshi passes away. March of the following year, when the chief minister Toshiie Maeda (Tokuuma Nishioka) also dies, Masanori Fukushima (who harbors a grudge against Mitsunari from his time dispatched in Korea), Kiyomasa Kato and his men (the 7 proteges of Hideyoshi) raid Mitsunari’s estate. Mitsunari escapes Ieyasu’s compound, and proceeds to live at Sawayama Castle, but Ieyasu’s dominance continues to strengthen.
In June 1600, Ieyasu turns his attention to Uesugi. A servant of Uesugi, Kanetsugu Naoe (Kenichi Matsuyama) and Mitsunari who devised a pincer attack for Ieyasu, bring in good friend General Otani, and raise Terumoto Mori to commander-in-chief of their army. Now Mitsunari’s army in the west, and Ieyasu’s in the east battle for supremacy. On September 15, 1600, the battle begins at Sekigahara. Mitsunari must face off against Ieyasu in the battle of the century. And what will become of Hatsune’s secret “love” as she risks her life to protect him.
Mitsunari struggles to uphold “love” and “justice” while not being “too soft” as a general while he battles against Ieyasu’s fiery ambition. It all kicks off now!



(ねん)6(がつ)家康(いえやす)上杉討伐(うえすぎとうばつ)()かう。上杉家家臣(うえすぎけかしん)直江兼続(なおえかねつぐ)松山(まつやま)ケンイチ(けんいち))と家康(いえやす)(はさ)()ちを(はか)っていた三成(みつなり)は、盟友(めいゆう)大谷刑部(おおたにおさかべ)らを()()み、毛利輝元(もうりてるもと)総大将(そうだいしょう)()挙兵(きょへい)三成(みつなり)西軍(せいぐん)家康(いえやす)東軍(とうぐん)が、覇権(はけん)をかけて(うご)()す。1600(ねん)9(がつ)15(にち)決戦(けっせん)()(せき)()(はら)三成(みつなり)は、いかにして家康(いえやす)世紀(せいき)合戦(かっせん)(たたか)うのか? そして、(いのち)()けて三成(みつなり)(まも)初芽(はつめ)との、(ひそ)やかな(あい)行方(ゆくえ)……

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